Power Generation

mtu Kinetic PowerPack

Keeping Business Moving. Uninterruptable power you can rely on.

Meeting your critical power, space, and individual requirements, mtu KineticPowerPacks present a viable alternative to traditional static UPS systems and guarantees uninterruptible power supply and conditioned high-quality power. Utilizing advanced kinetic energy technology, these systems integrate a diesel engine with a kinetic energy accumulator via an electromagnetic clutch.

This configuration ensures reliable uninterruptible power supply without the need for batteries and provides cleaned and conditioned power to the consumers. With UPS technology by mtu you`ll have a future-proof technology and peace of mind, that your consumers will be protected under any circumstances. Featuring the highest power density in the industry, efficient power conditioning, acompact footprint, and scalable solutions, mtu Kinetic PowerPacks offer acost-effective and robust solution for uninterrupted electrical power.

Configure your uninterruptible power supply & conditioning solution that meets your specific needs.

Get your personalised solution just in 3 steps.

Ready for a new perspective on dynamic UPS? Discover the benefits of kinetic energy.

Longer lifetime

Significantly longer lifetime compared to static UPS, with 20+ years design life

Smaller footprint

Smallest footprint and highest power density, up to 40% less space consumed compared to static UPS

Guaranteed power security

Guaranteed power security, with redundant starting ensuring 0s interruption even in case of engine starter failure.

Best TCO

Best TCO values for power ratings above 1.500 kVA

Superior power

Superior power conditioning & installation discrimination, by others up to ±0.4HZ permanent frequency & ±10% permanent voltage tolerance from mains, and 17x nominal current for short-circuit protection


Maximum solution flexibility, from low (±400 V) to medium voltage (±13 kV, containerized, enclosed or building integrated.


Elimination of batteries, avoiding pollution during production and waste from exchange and disposal.

Need help finding the perfect product or system?

No problem at all. Let one of our expert advisors point you in the right direction.

mtu Kinetic PowerPack anatomy

mtu diesel engine

Complying with the latest emissions standards; preheated; quick start and not running during conditioning mode pre-lubricated.

Synchronous machine

Four-pole synchronous machines from world-renowned manufacturers designed not to exceed Class F temperature rise; right-sized for your application and to absorb load harmonics.

Kinetic energy module

Patented accu provides stored kinetic energy to ride through mains interruptions; designed for a 10-year bearing life.

Vibration isolation

Thanks to the solid base frame with isolators between frame and equipment and direct floor installation, vibrations are reduced >97% .

Power panel

A power panel comprising input, output and automatic bypass circuits; additional upstream, down-stream or tie-breakers can be added, if required.

Control system

KS Vision HMI control system; class-leading electrical and mechanical monitoring including load level, mains failures, input and output voltage, frequencies and power factor; data logging feature recording all historic events.

Electromagnetic clutch

The prime starter system consists of standard engine starting motors. The clutch is maintenance-free and guarantees the diesel engine to start at all times, thanks to the redundant start feature.


mtu diesel engine

Complying with the latest emissions standards; preheated; quick start and not running during conditioning mode pre-lubricated.


Synchronous machine

Four-pole synchronous machines from world-renowned manufacturers designed not to exceed Class F temperature rise; right-sized for your application and to absorb load harmonics.


Kinetic energy module

Patented accu provides stored kinetic energy to ride through mains interruptions; designed for a 10-year bearing life.


Vibration isolation

Thanks to the solid base frame with isolators between frame and equipment and direct floor installation, vibrations are reduced >97% .


Power panel

A power panel comprising input, output and automatic bypass circuits; additional upstream, down-stream or tie-breakers can be added, if required.


Control system

KS Vision HMI control system; class-leading electrical and mechanical monitoring including load level, mains failures, input and output voltage, frequencies and power factor; data logging feature recording all historic events.


Electromagnetic clutch

The prime starter system consists of standard engine starting motors. The clutch is maintenance-free and guarantees the diesel engine to start at all times, thanks to the redundant start feature.

A state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in Liège, Belgium builds our mtu Kinetic PowerPack products: single units with ratings between 480 kVA/400kW to 2,750 kVA/2,640 kW offered at 50 Hz and 60 Hz frequencies. Multiple units can be combined to provide higher installed ratings.


Mounted on a single base frame, the mtu Kinetic PowerPack incorporates an mtu diesel engine, synchronous machine, accu kinetic energy module, and clutch mechanism. Floor-standing control (COP) and power (POP) panels complete the system.


mtu Kinetic PowerPacks: What Dynamic Uninterruptible Power Supply Systems do?

Our mtu Kinetic PowerPack provides dynamic uninterruptible power supply and perfect conditioned electrical power through kinetic energy and is engineered to withstand the most demanding power supply challenges.

Youtube Video

Why a pharmaceutical company relies on dynamic uninterruptible power supply

If the Vetter pharmaceutical company lost power, entire batches of medication would have to be disposed of. mtu Kinetic PowerPacks prevent this.

Watch our videos about mtu Kinetic PowerPack

Learn more about our dynamic UPS systems.
Youtube Video

The assembly of our mtu Kinetic PowerPacks


Youtube Video

Static versus dynamic UPS systems


Youtube Video

How dynamic UPS works  


Youtube Video

Continuous power supply with our mtu Kinetic PowerPacks

Youtube Video

Serviceability of our mtu Kinetic PowerPacks

Youtube Video

Factory Acceptance Tests


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The technology behind mtu Kinetic PowerPacks


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Markets for our worldwide mtu Kinetic PowerPack installations

Configure your uninterruptible power supply & conditioning solution that meets your specific needs.

Get your personalised solution just in 3 steps.

mtu Kinetic PowerPack-reliable power for critical applications

Critical process manufacturing

We protect leading companies with critical processes from power supply interruptions and low-quality power supply (electrical noise), – preventing production disruptions, wastage, equipment damage and missed deadlines. Ensure smooth operations and secured operations with the mtu Kinetic PowerPack.

Infrastructure & Logistics

We keep your facilities, equipment and information systems powered. Whether for airports, healthcare, tunnels, logistics or casinos in acute or long-term care, we will help you to focus on your business.

Keeping your power supply in perfect health, mtu  Kinetic PowerPacks offer a wide range of advantages.


Even a short-term loss of power would mean the laboratories and cleanrooms would require extensive cleaning to reestablish sterility before rebooting the systems. With the mtu Kinetic PowerPack power outages, micro cuts or electrical noise or are no longer a concern for Pharma industries, the mtu Kinetic PowerPacks ensure operstions without disruptions.

Data Centers / IT

The energy needs of data centers are complex, time-sensitive and very specific. Data centers require power supply solutions that are reliable, modular, scalable and custom-fitted, which is exactly what we've developed our mtu solutions to be. Our technologies like mtu diesel genset or mtu Kinetic PowerPack reduce the risk of downtime, equipment damage and environmental incidents, saving costs and keeping data flowing.

Find out more about our dynamic view on uninterrupted power.

Service – We stand by your side all the way 

At your service, wherever your journey takes you. Our teams are with you all the way; from design, installation, commissioning through to 24/7 service and maintenance programs. We support over 2,000,000 kVA of critical power applications around the world with dedicated regional and HQ based teams. Teams that know each customer, take time to understand their business, needs and expectations; that know each site and solution.  

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Customer Assistance Center

We are here to take your Sales & Service questions around the clock, 365 days a year.

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Power Generation Brochures

Power Generation Solution Guide

Diesel genarator sets, Gas generator sets, mtu Kinetic PowerPacks and mtu EnergyPacks.

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mtu Kinetic PowerPack Brochure

Discover the power of kinetic energy.

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Product Data mtu Kinetic PowerPack

Our mtu Kinetic PowerPack provides dynamic uninterruptible power supply through kinetic energy and is engineered to withstand the most demanding power supply challenges.

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PAGE Power Generation

Turnkey solutions

Our business is keeping your business up and running.

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mtu Kinetic PowerPack configurator

Configure your uninterruptible power supply & conditioning solution that meets your specific needs. Get your personalised solution just in 3 steps.

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Say good-bye to diesel fuel, but not to your diesel engine! With HVO, you can reduce your CO2 emissions by up to 90%. It's already making a major contribution to climate protection and can help you fast-track your sustainability.

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