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You are a professional, a graduate, a student? Or still at school? We offer interesting opportunities for all career stages. Click and explore:

Shaping a sustainable future. Watch our new corporate video.

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Curiosity is the force that drives us. If you have that, you are on a voyage of discovery from childhood onward. Curiosity gives rise to the passion for moving things forward, improving them and developing them further. At every level and for every one of our employees*.

That’s why we invest all our energy into promoting a corporate culture of respect and trust. Our goal is always to create the best possible conditions so that our employees can fully develop themselves and their potential.

Career development: Discover new territory!

Whether you are a trainee or a seasoned professional, we help all of our employees to grow personally and advance their technical skills. We use career development conversations to investigate individual interests and goals together. Whether through e-learning or traditional in-person training, we offer our employees need-appropriate continuing education activities for specialized disciplines or broader skills. We support them systematically and with an eye to the long term:

  • Regular training consultations
  • Language courses and intercultural training
  • Regular assessment of potential
  • Programs for development of leadership skills
  • International development opportunities


Women in STEM Professions

The alliance was launched on 4 July 2011 by the Ministry of Economics of Baden-Württemberg as part of the state initiative "Women in STEM Professions". The common goal is to attract more women to STEM professions and to offer sustainable career prospects.


The herCAREER certification confirms our promotion of career planning for women inside and outside our company. The aim of the initiative is to connect female graduates and women in leadership positions and to advance careers. We are pleased to be a part of it.

Fair Company Award

A fair company is expected to do a lot nowadays. Not only applicants, employees, but also the public expect nowadays fair conditions and commitment for employees, but also fair behaviour in the market,   Responsibility for society and environment and much more. This is what we like to be measured by, because these values are also important to us. We are therefore proud to be a member of this initiative.

You can find more about the initiative and our internship principles here.  

Top Employer 2021

Rolls-Royce Power Systems is once again a top employer in 2021. For the 12th time in a row, the company has been awarded the "Top Employer Germany" and "Top Employer Engineers Germany". The subsidiaries MTU Friedrichshafen and mtu Onsite Energy and - for the first time - MTU Reman Technologies also receive the coveted award. We are particularly pleased that the auditors also praised the areas of Values, Ethics & Integrity and Diversity & Inclusion. After all, these are particularly important to us in our transformation process.


Our innovative technologies together with our human resources policies have allowed us to be named a “MINT-minded company 2021” by over 17500 students and graduates of the MINT-fields (mathematics, informatics, science and technology). This certification recognizes our continuous support and engagement as an attractive employer to MINT talents.

Healthy Employer 2024

The long-term health of our employees is very important to us. That is why occupational health management is an integral part of our corporate culture. This has also been recognised by the Corporate Health Alliance, which has awarded us the 'Healthy Employer' award for 2024/25.

Learn more about our excellent health management and our philosophy for healthy employees.

Regional, national, global: We move the world.

Rolls-Royce Power Systems AG with its headquarters in Friedrichshafen, Germany, is a specialist for large engines and propulsion systems. Most of our customers are in the off-highway business. They operate all over the world – often in remote regions. They penetrate new areas. They go new ways. When, where and why they need us: We are close to them and always one step ahead – to their benefit. With our fully consolidated companies, more than 140 sales partners and over 500 authorized dealerships at more than 1,200 locations we offer a global distribution and service structure.

America region

10 locations

EMEA region

26 locations


approx. 8,300 employees (consolidated and not consolidated)

Asia region

13 locations


Cooperation 2 locations


America region

10 locations


EMEA region

26 locations



approx. 8,300 employees (consolidated and not consolidated)


Asia region

13 locations



Cooperation 2 locations

*We are naturally referring to people of all genders whenever we talk about employees, colleagues, students or graduates.