Norbert Brackmann, the Federal Government’s coordinator for the maritime industry, ex-plained: “For a successful energy transition, it is absolutely essential that the energy and transport sectors are coupled and looked at as a whole. At the same time, methane-based fuels produced using electric power that is generated from renewable energy sources (”pow-er-to-gas“) will be an important factor. They will enable greenhouse gas emissions to be signif-icantly reduced, which will help is to achieve our climate protection goals. The further devel-opment of technologies that will make possible the energy-efficient use of these fuels is an integral part of the MethQuest lead project.“
Dr. Frank Graf, Director, Gas Technology at the DVGW Research Centre at Engler-Bunte-Institute of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), regards the cross-sectoral research ap-proach as significant: “Through these six joint projects we will achieve an innovation boost in numerous areas, from the development of innovative ways of obtaining gas from renewables to new kinds of engine concepts for cars, stationary applications and ship propulsion systems, in addition to the design of microgrids for inland and seaports.“
Andreas Schell, CEO of Rolls-Royce Power Systems, welcomes the commitment of all pro-ject participants as making an important contribution to Germany‘s energy transition: “As a solutions provider, we have been pushing ahead with the use of alternative fuels, the devel-opment of new mtu gas engines and the further electrification of both propulsion systems and energy systems with our Green and High-Tech initiative for a long time. We have been successful in doing this only as a result of our close collaboration with strong partners, such as those involved in this project.
Further information about the lead project MethQuest