Posted on March 12, 2015

37 young people recently successfully completed their vocational training at Rolls-Royce Power Systems and its subsidiary MTU Friedrichshafen.

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  • Apprentices complete vocational training
  • Sascha Hohmann wins Chamber of Industry & Commerce award
  • 35 graduates start work

FRIEDRICHSHAFEN - 37 young people recently successfully completed their vocational training at Rolls-Royce Power Systems and its subsidiary MTU Friedrichshafen. After courses of technical and commercial training lasting between two-and-a-half and three-and-a-half years the graduates received their certificates at a ceremony. 35 of the newly qualified young people have already begun work at the company and two more are hoping to embark on courses of further study.

Steffen Besserer, who heads Personal Development, expressed his pleasure at the graduates’ success: “They have now taken the first hurdle but they should not rest on their laurels. Their aim must be a career of life-long learning.” Training Manager Martin Stocker added his congratulations and was especially pleased that some of the graduates had already gained international experience by completing internships abroad: “Make full use of the possibilities and chances that arise within the company to ensure you stay flexible and mobile enough to work at other locations.”

Of the 37 graduates, 20 young men and women qualified as industrial mechanics and six gained qualifications as industrial management assistants with a specialism in international commercial management. The remaining graduates included two construction mechanics, two technical pattern-makers, four electronics technicians for automation technology, one mechatronics specialist and one management assistant in office communications with a foreign language specialism. The company can be particularly proud of Sascha Hohmann who gained the grade ‘Excellent’ in his course as a safety and security specialist as well as receiving an award from the Chamber of Industry & Commerce of Lake Constance and Upper Swabia.

Works Council Chairman Thomas Bittelmeyer thanked the graduates for their commitment and support: "Now at the end of training, you’re taking leave from the old and familiar and moving onto new pastures.   I urge you all to embrace this challenge, since life is all about change."   After the winter exams there are now 302 trainees and dual-university students at the Friedrichshafen location. Throughout the world, Rolls-Royce Power Systems provides training for young people in Mankato, Aiken and Bergen, among other places, and the company has four further training locations in Germany.
Wolfgang Boller Spokesman Regional and Business Media
+49 7541 90 2159