mtu Series 2000
mtu diesel engines provide reliable solutions for all of your marine needs.
Power, fuel efficiency and reliability - three characteristics that mean one thing above all: perfect performance in every situation. Our mtu 2000 series has proven itself time and again over six generations. The power spectrum ranges from 720 to 1,939 kW (966 – 2,600 bhp).
With the latest generation mtu Series 2000 we go one step further: essential engine components have been optimised, intelligently combined and perfectly matched.
mtu Series 2000 - based on proven technology
The mtu Series 2000 is a market leading engine series for the high-speed ferry market. The engines are light, compact and well suited for small engine rooms. The mtu 2000 Series offers low fuel consumption over the entire performance range. The mtu Series 2000 common rail engines are rated for fast-moving vessels with high load factors and intermittent load
factors. Due to their compact and powerful design, duty engines are particularly suited for high-speed ferries, SAR, patrol vessels, windmill service and CTV vessels (crew vessels). mtu Series 2000 engines are rated for vessels with unrestricted operations.
mtu Series 2000 key features at a glance *
Starting system
Electric starter 24 V
Cooling system
Coolant-to-raw water plate core heat exchanger, self priming centrifugal raw water pump, gear driven coolant circulation pump
Turbocharging system
Sequential turbocharging with 3 exhaust-gas turbochargers, on-engine intake air filters
Oil system
Gear driven lube oil pump, lube-oil duplex filter doublestage, lube-oil heat exchanger, handpump for oil extraction
Exhaust system
Triple-walled, liquid-cooled, on-engine exhaust manifolds, single centrally located exhaust outlet, 1 exhaust bellows horizontal discharge
Designed for up to max. 45 ° rolling
Fuel system
Fuel feed pump, fuel hand pump, fuel pre-filter, fuel main filter, on-engine fuel cooler, HP fuel pump, jacketed HP fuel lines, injection nozzles (common rail system) flame proof hose lines, leak-off collecter
Mounting system
Resilient mounts at free end
Compliance with emission regulations
- EPA 3 recreational
- RCD 2013/53/EU
Engine management system
Engine control and monitoring system (ADEC), engine interface module (EIM)
Monitoring / control system
mtu NautIQ BlueVision I NG
* dependent from configuration
Low emissions. Maximum flexibility.
As installation space is always restricted inside the engine room, the inhouse developed airless SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction) solution from mtu is compact and maintenance friendly. Besides easily accessible doors for replacement of the SCR catalysts, the system also features an integrated mixing pipe and dosing units. The integrated mixing pipe and DEF (Diesel Exhaust Fluid) dosing allows the shipyard highly flexible pipework between the engine and the SCR box. Additional space to fit the exhaust gas aftertreatment is reduced to a bare minimum. Amonia slip is prevented under all operating conditions by a closed loop regulated control system.
When using EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation) technology, the quality of the fuel is essential. Fuel with more than 15 ppm sulfur will lead to the formation of sulfur acid in the EGR cooling process. Sulfur acid will cause substantial engine failures over time. As many vessels operate worldwide, especially in the offshore service and supply business, mtu evaluates SCR as the preferred solution to maintain reliability of our engines and the safety of your vessel and crew. SCR technology allows operation with lower fuel quality.
Sustainable fuels make internal combustion engines cleaner
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